Minggu, 25 September 2016

Manfaat Jus Apel

Buah yang satu ini tergolong banyak yang meyukai mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa. Manfaat dari buah ini sangat penting bagi kalian yang ingin memiliki pola hidup sehat dan bahagia. Dibawah ini saya akan menjabakan beberapa manfaat jus apel yang saya ketahui.

  1. Jus apel ini dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan , karena buah ini kaya akan kandungan air dan serat, sehingga lemak dalam tubuh kita akan tersingkir. Bagi anda yang mengikuti program diet menurut saya ini merupakan cara termudah untuk menyukseskan diet anda.
  2. Dapat memberi rasa dingin dalam tubuh. Apel yang dibuat jus memilikikadar air yang melimpah, sehingga cocok untuk mengobati dehidrasi anda ketika siang hari.
  3. Jus apel juga berkhasiat mencegah penyakit kanker. Fitokimia antosianinyang terkandung di dalam jus apel dapat mencegah tumor dan sel kanker yang berkembang.
  4. Dapat menyingkirkan toksin/ racun jahat. Jus apel ini memiliki kandungan kalium yan dapat membersihkantoksin-toksin jahat dalam tubuh.
  5. Dapat melancarkan buang air besar. Manfaat serat yang terkandung dalam jus apel ini sangat berperan penting dalam melancarkan buang air besar menjadi lancer.

Sangat banyak manfaat jus apel untuk kesehatan kita. Apakah kalian masih ragu untuk meminumnya? Ayo mulai hidup sehat. Semoga bermanfaat :)


Sabtu, 24 September 2016

Tugas Softskill B.Inggris Bisnis 1 Materi Bulan Pertama 20/09/2016

Unit 1 Vocabulary 1 Job Titles

Page 7

Human Resources



Telephone Operator


Sales Assistant

Personal Assistant (PA)

b. I'm a Student

Page 8

The UK
The US

Page 9

Phil Knight wife’s name is Penny. He had two sons and one daughter
A founder and CEO of Nike
Type of company
Sports and fitness company
Sports, including tennis, running and golf

b.     1. Phil Knight is the head of Nike
2. He’s very rich
3. Knight is married with two sons and one daughter
4. His wife’s name is Penny
5. Knight’s tattoo is on his left leg
6. Wieden is an advertising agency
7. Knight’s office is full of objects from Asia
8. Knight’s office in Beaverton, Oregon

Page 10

a.       My name’s Ingrid. I’m a graphic designer. I’m German, and I’m from Munich. I’m married with two children. They are both in high school. Their school is near my office. My husband is an enginer. We are interested in travel and the inema. My sister is an accountant.

1.       Name: Petty Andriyani
4. Nationality: I’m Indonesian
2.       Job: I’m a student
5. Interests: I’m interested in traveling
3.       City: I’m from Tangerang
6. Favourite Sports: Badminton

d.                   1. I’m Russian, but I’m not from Moscow
2. They’re Japanese, but they aren’t from Tokyo
3. He’s German, but he isn’t from Munich
        4. I’m in sales, but I’m not the manager
5. You’re in Poland, but you aren’t in Warsaw
6. Her name is Sophia, but Sophia isn’t Italian



Unit 2 Work an Leisure

Page 15

a.      Saturday and Sunday
b.      Country of Inggris
March, April, May
June, July, August
Sept, Oct, Nov
Dec, January, February

c.   1. At night
2. In the autumn
3. At 15th may
4. On thursday
5. In the afternoon
6. On tuesday evening
7. In june
8. In new year

d.                   1.    We have a lot of big orders in March
2.       The office closes for three days in New Year
3.       There is an important meeting at 15th June
4.       The CEO visits our brach in the summer
5.       We deliver large goods on Monday afternoons

Page 16

a.                  1.    Get up? At 5:30 a.m
2.       Do exercise? At 6:00 a.m
3.       Arrive at his office? At 8:00 a.m
4.       Leave the office? 6:15 p.m

b.   1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False

c.    1. Go running
2. Play football
3. Do exercise
4. Travel overseas
5. Meet customers
6. Spend time

Page 17

a.       Giorgio Armani wakes up at 7 a.m. He walks to the gym and spend an hour there. He has breakfast and then goes to the office with his bodyguard. He has pasta and a salad for lunch and then he sleeps for 10 minutes. He works until 8 p.m on design and administration. He travels every two months-to the US, Russia or their parts of Europe. On his way home from the office, he often stops for a drink at Nobu. At weekends he goes to his vila.

b.      I’m Patrick Ross and I work for an American securities company in Tokyo. I live near Shibuya, and I travel to work by subway. My wife is Japanese. She works part-time for a Japanese shipping company. She drives to work. We both like sports and travelling. We play golf at the weekend. Our two children go to an international school.

Page 18

a.                   a. Swimming
b. Biking
c. Walking
d. Running

b.   1. Playing golf
2. Watching TV
3. Going to restaurants
4. Listening to CDs
5. Playing tennis
6. Gong to cinema
7. Playing foolball
8. Going to the gym

Page 19

a.       1.    She usually gets up early
      2.       They always start their first meeting at 9 o’clock
      3.     We are never late for meetings
          4.    I am often busy in the afternoon
          5.    The office sometimes closes at 3 p.m

    b.      1. From time to time
          2. Now and then 
          3. Once a week 
          4. Twice a month
          5. Every sunday 
          6. Three time a week

     c. 1. He always reads the papers
         2. we usually eat in the company cafeteri
         3. I sometimes work late
         4. The managers never go to business dinners at the weekend
         5. The company director always travels on business

Unit 3 Problems

Page 23

a.   1. Our employees having flexible hours
2. The new sales assistant got a fast promotion
3. Marketing executives earn a high salary at that company
4. My colleagues are usually very helpful
5. We want a clean and well-furnished apartement
6. Your office has got a beautiful view
7. Their old printer is broken, so they want a new one
8. The invoice is incorrect, please can you send a new one?

b.   1. Long – short
2. Heavy – light
3. Early – late
4. Slow – fast
5. safe – dangerous
6. Big – small
7. Hot – cold
8. Narrow – wide
9. High- low
10. Soft – hard

c.  1. The report it’s too short doesn’t give much information. It isn’t long enough
   2. I can’t carry these suitcases, it’s too heavy 
   3. I can’t meet you at 6 o’clock in the morning, it’s too early 
   4. I don’t want this car. Its top speed too slow is only 100 kilometers per hour. It sn’t fast enough 
  5. Don’t take any visitors to those areas late at night, it’s too dangerous. It isn’t safe enough 
   6. The camera its too big doesn’t fit in my pocket. It isn’t small enough 
   7. I can’t get this car into the garage, it’s too hard 
   8. Our trucks its too high can’t go under that bridge. It isn’t low enough

Page 24

a.   1. The problem is about space
2. The problem is about changes at work
3. The problem is about difficult people
3. The problem is about money

b.      2,1,4,3

c.    1. Rent
2. Crowded
3. Office
4. Changes
5. Team
6. Colleageus
7. Bills
8. Cash flow

Page 25

a.   1. e. She’s very efficient
2. h. it’s starts at 2 o’clock
3. g. In the city center
4. b. Because he has to pay for the office party
5. a. Peter. He’s your line manager
6. f. You need to enter your password
7. d. 20 euros
8. c. You an leve at 5 o’clock

b.      1.    Do you work at the weekend?
      2.       Does Pierre work in sales?
      3.       How do you often travel abourd?
      4.       How do you spell business?
      5.       What does mean this word?
      6.       When does the meeting finish?

c.       1.    I like meetings, but I don’t like presentations
      2.       Raj likes Fridays, but he doesn’t like Mondays
      3.       We agree about most things, but we disagree about budgets
      4.       Susan sends a lot of e-mails, but she doesn’t sends a lot of faxes
      5.       Alex n connie speak chinese, but they don’t speak Japanese

Page 26

a.       1.    Marco’s got a Mercedes
      2.       Marco hasn’t got any running shoes
      3.       Marco hasn’t got any children
      4.       Marco’s  got two telephones
      5.       Marco hasn’t got a fax machine
      6.       Marco’s got a swimming pool
      7.       Marco hasn’t got a tennis court
      8.       Marco’s got a computer

b.   Office A has got a lift. Office B hasn’t got a balcony
Office A has got a view of the high street. Office B has got a view of the mountain
Office A has got a balcony. Office B hasn’t got a lift
Office A has got very colorful walls. Office B has got white walls
Office A hasn’t got a car park. Office B has got a large car park
Office A has got a fax machine in next room. Office B has got a fax machine in the office
Office A has got a large windows. Office B has got a small windows
Office A has got an air conditioning. Office B hasn’t got an air conditioning

Page 29

Telephone Message
To: Dwi Ayu                                   Name of caller: Icul
Date: 25th September               Time: 12:21 p.m

Message: The meeting on Saturday, 2 October has been changed to Room 40.

Signed: Petty Andriyani