Senin, 16 Januari 2017

Tugas B. Inggris Bisnis 1 Materi Bulan Ke-empat 03/01/2017

UNIT 12 International Marketing
Page 15 Vocabulary
1. Because of tight government bureaucracy company profits could not be taken out of the country.
2. Red tape and other examples of income distributions hinder a company’s entry into a market
3. The country is attractive to exporters because it has enjoyes political stability for the last 50 years.
4. The purchasing behavior of consumers can be describe as their buying habits.
5. The economic situation is improving leading to a rise in employment.
6. Monetary regulation is a term used by economists to dexcribe how wealth is shared in a country.

1. Building up country’s image to the world, economic stability
2. Compare it to 10 years, recent economic situation could be good enough
3. No. my country has vast territory. Education has not been evenly distributed so did employment. Too many accumulate in the capital that’s why the hinter lags.

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. D

1. Some of artistans to export their product aboard
2. Nieche market
3. Domestic market
4. Bring out a product
5. Slogan
6. Retailer sells a product but wholesaler sells product in such a big amount in one time

Page 16 Reading
1. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate
2. Mostly hot chocolate, I don’t like coffee
3. Milk, sugar, barista, bitter, black
Page 17 Reading

1. Chile
2. Peru
3. Mexico
4. US
5. Argentina

1. 1971
2. a. North America = 3.907
b. The rest of the world = 1.180
3. a. North America = 1.378
b. The rest of the world = 1.517
4. Japan
5. Capital Cities
6. The company was forced to globalize because it had saturated its home market, the Japanese experience hasn’t been a happy one, security concerns forced the company to retreat from Israel and the anti – globalization movement now has starbucks stores on its hit list.

a. A product: launch, introduce, license, withdraw
b. A market: retreat from, penetrate, phase out, saturate

Page 19 Language Review
1. Consumers
2. Mass market
3. Supermarket
4. Capita consumption
5. Anti globalitation

1. Leader
2. Sector
3. Manager
4. Exchange
5. Contract
6. Conditions
7. Rise
1. Sales figures realy impressive
2. New public relations department
3. Research market programme highly ambitious
4. Expanding everseas operations
5. Balance sheet improving rapidly
6. Rate exchange extremely volatile
7. Marketing report highly confidential

Unit 13 Building Relationship
Page 23 Vocabulary Descrbing Relations
Positive Meaning                            Negative Meaning
Build up relations                         Break off relations
Cement                                       Cut off
Foster                                         Disrupt
Develop                                       Endanger
Encourage                                    Jeopardize
Establish                                      Damage
Improve                                       Sour
Maintain                                      Undermain

1.       Sales staff who are impolite to customer disrupt the reputation of a company.
2.       We are planning to establish branch office in Singapore.
3.       By merging with a US company, we greatly maintained our sales force.
4.       Our image has been undermined by poor after-sales service.
5.       Thank to a new communication system, we are improving relations with suppliers.
6.       A strike at our factory disrupted production for several weeks.
7.       We could not agree on several points so we broke off talks regarding a joint venture.
8.       The success our new product launch was resumed by an unimaginative advertising campaign.
9.       In order to gain market share in China, we are building up a sales network there.
10.   Relations between the two countries have been fostered by official visits and trade delegations.
1.       D
2.       E
3.       B
4.       A
5.       C
Page 24 Reading
c.       Insurance
166: AIG Capitisation
1992: AIG was the first foreign insurer to be allowed into China
1919: In China as with the rest of Asia, AIG main advantage over its competitors is its long standing present
80.000: Amount of employees in AIG
130: Amount of countrie where AIG exist
Maurice Greenberg: AIG’s Chairman
Cornelius Vander Starr: 27 years old American entrepreneur
Edmund Tse: someone who runs the Asia operations and life assurance worldwide
Page 26 Language Review
1 . We can’t hold the meeting tomorrow. We’ll have to call the meeting off tomorrow.
2 . Let’s have the presentation next week – we’re too busy at the moment.
3 . We always know our suppliers will meet their deadlines.
4 . We have now established a first class distribution network in Europe.
5 . Could you please prepare a contract as soon as possible?
6 . Could you fix a meeting with them for next week?
7 . We’ve kept the same market share as we had last year.
8 . The new sales manager is very popular with his team.

Unit 14 Culture

Page 99 Vocabulary
1.       We don’t have to wear business suits at the end of the week. My company has a system of casual Fridays
2.       In many Banks, staff can’t weat what they like. They have to wear uniforms
3.       For two weeks each month, I work at night. I can’t sleep during the day. I hate shift work
4.       We have a flexible hours system in our office. Some people work from 9 a.m to 5 p.m.; others work from 10 a.m to 6 p.m.
5.       I am so busy at the moment that I worked on New Year’s Day, which is a public holiday
6.       How many days annual leave do you get in your company?
7.       We often speak on the phone but never face to face
8.       He sends us an email in the post each month.
9.       Our department starts everyday with an informal meeting. It is very relaxed
10.   Companies have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year. It is a very formal meeting, with a lot of people
11.   In some countries, the company culture is formal. Staff use first name when speak to each other
12.   What’s your job title now? Are you ‘Chief Executive’?
a.       Uniforms? Yes, because doesn’t need to be confused to use clothes to the office
b.      Casual Friday? Yes, because not get bored
c.       A lot of formal meetings? No, because sometimes we needs a relaxing time for discussion
d.      Flexible hours? No, because we will not be disclipined with flexible hours

Page 101 Language Focus 1
1.       Our online business is bad. We should develop a better website
2.       Our team is working too many hours. We should speak to our boss
3.       The meeting is very important. We shouldn’t be late
4.       She wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain. She should stay three days
5.       We have to cut costs. You shouldn’t buy an expensive computer
1.       I don’t think he should go to Paris next week
2.       You shouldn’t buy a franchise
3.       She should take the customers to an expensive restaurant
4.       I don’t think we should launch the new product now
5.       My boss don’t thinks it is too late to send the report now
6.       We shouldn’t order online

102 Reading
1.       B
2.       E
3.       D
4.       A
5.       C
Body Shop
1.       False
2.       False
3.       True
4.       False
5.       False
6.       True
7.       False
8.       True

103 Language Focus 2
1.       Passenger
2.       Flight attendant
3.       Flight attendant
4.       Passenger
5.       Flight attendant
6.       Passenger
7.       Flight attendant
8.       Flight attendant
9.       Passenger
10.   Flight attendant
1.       Could I use the phone, please?
2.       Could I hear what you say, please?
3.       Could I call the taxi, please?
4.       Could you tell me the way to the station, please?
5.       Could I pay by credit card, please?
6.       Could you recommend me the good reastaurant, please?
7.       Could I have the map of the city, please?

Page 105 Writing
Subject         : New Ideas From Head Office
Date              : 16 January 2017
Participants : HRD
Agenda Item
1. Staff to use first names
Because it’s something better
HRD make a new nametage to all of staff
2. Staff to wear uniform
Because it’s something better
HRD announce the newest rules